Desk with Laptop, Calculator, Files and small model of house with epc colours
Desk with Laptop, Calculator, Files and small model of house with epc colours
EPC Works
EPC Works

Don't Give Up

At the time of writing the methodology for EPC assessments of existing dwellings is RDSAP 9.94. The much anticipated RDSAP 10 update is due in Q1 2025 and a significant methodology overhaul from RDSAP to the Home Energy Model (HEM) is proposed for 2026.

Consder the case where you have a top floor flat in a three storey building that only has electric and no gas, the cavity walls are un-insulated and the freeholder has gone absent without leave.


Additionally, you want to improve your EPC rating but you only have peak rate electric heating which you believe is really efficient and you don't believe solar PV or heat pumps are of any benefit, or even possible for your property.


Despite the seemingly dire situation, don't give up, do lots of research and keep up your persistance.


You could get permission from the freeholder for access to the roof (or purchase the freehold along with other occupants in the block), or locate heat pumps that use ducts through walls to bring air in from the outside so the unit is mounted internally.


You'll find options and a way forwards if you keep looking.


Good luck.



Click here to return to our 'Improve Your EPC' main page, and see if there is another way you could improve your EPC rating.

